Communication policy

Communication policy defines the operating principles and methods according to which Panostaja Oyj communicates with capital markets. The Board approves the company’s communication policy.

Key communication principles

The domicile of Panostaja Oyj, the parent company of Panostaja Group, is Tampere and the company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX stock exchange in Helsinki. In its communications, Panostaja complies with Finnish legislation, the rules of Nasdaq Helsinki Oy, the guidelines of the Financial Supervisory Authority and the company’s administrative principles.

Panostaja actively communicates with all its stakeholder groups. In accordance with its values, Panostaja communicates with relevance, authority, sincerity and openness.

Information to be published

Panostaja publishes immediately and consistently all essential information concerning the strategy, business and financial position of the Group, so that a justified evaluation of the value of company shares can be made.

A profit warning is issued if the view of the development of Panostaja’s result during the year or facts on which it is based have fundamentally changed.

The timetable for financial reporting

The annual accounts and interim reports are published in accordance with a timetable notified in advance. The timetable is published before the end of the previous financial period.

Responsibilities and issuers of statements

Panostaja Oyj’s CEO is in charge of the company’s communications and stock exchange bulletins, as well as compliance with and possible deviation from communication policy. The CEO is responsible for seeing that the company’s communications fully comply with the standards required by the Securities Markets Act, the rules of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and the authorities that supervise the company, for communications by a publicly listed company.

Panostaja’s CFO is in charge of the company’s investor relations. The CEO and CFO or either one of them and, if necessary, representatives of the business areas attend meetings of investors and analysts.

The Board approves significant stock exchange bulletins.

Statements concerning Panostaja’s operations and development are issued by the company’s CEO and CFO. The Investment Directors and Development Directors, the directors of business areas and experts only issue statements on matters related to their own sphere of responsibility.

Meetings of investors, analysts and media

Panostaja regularly meets representatives of capital markets and the media, and responds to their enquiries as quickly as possible. The Group’s management or other Group representatives notified in advance are mainly the ones involved in such meetings. The meetings are based on information already made public by Panostaja or generally available on the market, and they do not reveal new information that might affect the value of company shares.

Language and channels

Panostaja’s principle source of up-to-date information is the company’s website,

The company’s official reporting language is Finnish.

All essential information concerning Panostaja is published in Finnish and English through Nasdaq Helsinki, key media and on the company’s website. An English-language translation of stock exchange bulletins or notices is published on the same day.

The company publishes its annual report in Finnish and English.

Stock exchange bulletins are available on the company’s website for a period of at least three years and financial reports for at least five years.

Rumors, market forecasts and information leaks

In principle, Panostaja does not comment on possible rumors that emerge in the public arena, on the development of the share price, the activities of competitors or customers, matters concerning the company’s owners or ownership, or the forecasts of analysts, unless it is necessary in order to correct information that may affect the company’s share price and/or is clearly erroneous. The CEO decides on such comments.

If confidential information that may fundamentally affect the value of shares is leaked outside the company, the company publishes a stock exchange bulletin on the matter without undue delay.

Market prospects

The future prospects for Panostaja and its business areas are reported in the financial statement bulletin and interim reports.

Crisis communication

Panostaja’s CEO is in charge of the management of crisis communication.

Quiet period

Panostaja observes a two-week quiet period before the financial statement bulletin and interim reports are published, during which time the representatives of Panostaja do not meet with representatives of capital markets, and do not comment on the company’s financial position or future prospects. These times are marked on Panostaja’s website.

Insider guidelines

Panostaja observes the insider rules of Nasdaq Helsinki.

Panostaja’s Board of Directors confirmed the communications policy in March 6, 2012.